Rapid tests

Speed Distemper

Detection test for viral antigens of Paramyxovirus responsible for Distemper diseases in dogs.

  • Dog
  • Diagnostic test
    Diagnostic test


Simple and quick, Speed Distemper tests detect a low viral load at the end of the incubation period in just 10 minutes.  



For veterinary use only. 


Product specifications

Sample Serum, plasma, urin, conjonctival, ocular or nasal swabs, saliva.
Target species Dogs
Handlings 2 minutes
Results 10 minutes
Storage Store at room temperature (+2°C - 30°C) until the expiry date
Presentation Box of 5 tests


Speed Distemper

Why use Speed Distemper ?

Canine distemper is a contagious and severe disease caused by a paramyxovirus that is transmitted by inhalation of respiratory and salivary droplets on contact with a carrier animal (1). Dogs and puppies are the main hosts, but furrets and other wild animals can also be contaminated.

The virus causes catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory and digestive epithelia, and can result in severe neurological damage or death.

Some dogs whose immune systems produce a high enough antibody titre (14 days after infection) are asymptomatic carriers (1). The incidence is higher in puppies and older animals, for whom clinical signs are more severe. Despite strong vaccination rate, the presence of the virus is confirmed in 30% of clinically suspected cases (3), and there is no specific treatment.

The viral antigen detection technique can be performed in puppies with colostral immunity, as it doesn't cross-react with antibodies deriving from maternal immunity.


When to use Speed Distemper ?

Speed Distemper enables specific testing for distemper virus, whatever the age of the animal.

In multi-dogs environments, Speed Distemper protects healthy animals by rapidly identifying virus excretors.

As distemper is a redhibitory defect, Speed Distemper enables rapid and early identification of the disease, as soon as the incubation period (3 to 21 days) is over.

Quick guide

For complete instruction, please refer to the product notice.

1. Discharge the swab (nasal, ocular or buccal) in the extraction tube pressing it against the walls, or add 2 to 3 drops of liquid sample (blood, urine) with the pipet in the extraction tube and shake.

2. Add slowly 4 drops of the mixture into the well of the test cell. 

3. Read the result at 10 minutes. 

Distemper proto.JPG


Speed Distemper performances

Detection threshold: 80 cysts / g of faeces (1)

Reference method ELISA
Sensitivity vs ref  92.4%
Specificity vs ref  95.2%


(1) Etude interne BVT sur 121 animaux.
(2) THIRY E. La maladie de Carré. Virologie clinique du chien et du chat, 2002, Ed. Point Vétérinaire – 180p
(3)Townsell MY, Pohlman LM, Harkin KR. Pathology in practice. Canine distemper virus disease in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2015 Mar 15;246(6):613-5. doi: 10.2460/javma.246.6.613. PMID: 25719842.

(4) Lundgren B. Distemper in dogs. Veterinary Partner, published September 15,2023.


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